There are a few different options available to you when looking for that perfect holiday home or short break here in Shropshire. You can enquire and book directly with the accommodation owner via our website or indeed using an Accommodation Web Portal (see below). Alternatively, there are a number of excellent Agencies in the UK who will do all the hard work for you.
Throughout our website, you’ll find holiday properties that are advertised by both owners and Property Managers alike. However, you can access them more quickly using the links below…
Owners at Simply Shropshire
Many owners of holiday properties in Shropshire advertise with us directly here. Simply find the holiday accommodation you like and drop them a line. Their contact details are at the foot of each Property Page.
Holidu and
An Accommodation web portal that allows for both owners and Agents to advertise their properties side by side. All manner of accommodation properties can be found throughout the UK and Europe.
An accommodation web portal with 1000’s of properties, not just in Shropshire, but the whole of the UK and Europe. Owners and Property Managers advertise alongside each other. As with any accommodation portal, simply enquire via the actual property page.